Little Dreams Come True
Little Dreams Come True
Making little dreams come true for kids in need.

Making Little Dreams Come True for Kids in Need.  


Our Vision

Making Little Dreams Come True For Kids In Need.


WELCOME!! My name is Ashley Dance and I am the founder of Little Dreams Come True, a 501c(3) non-profit!! I am a wife and a mother of two. We just welcomed baby girl, Summer Grace. We also have a little boy who will be 3 in October. Life as a mom is busy, but it is the greatest blessing! Before this, I was a 3rd grade teacher at a Title 1 school in Arizona. (A Title 1 school is defined as a school where at least 40% of the students receive free or reduced lunches. Generally speaking, the students are usually considered “at-risk” and underprivileged).

Teaching was one of the most challenging and rewarding careers. The hardest part was realizing how many children went without the basics, like clothing and food. Many of my students were homeless, living with relatives, or in the foster system. Children should not have to worry about these things. They should be able to be kids. Changing lives starts with us. Help us make a difference and shine a little light in the lives of the kids in need. Help us bring joy by making their little dreams come true.

Ashley Dance

Founder, Little Dreams Come True

Ashley Dance, founder of Little Dreams Come True, with a few of her students from her 3rd grade class.

Ashley Dance, founder of Little Dreams Come True, with a few of her students from her 3rd grade class.


Make A Little Dream Come True For a Child In Need…


In the fall of 2021, Carson had a week of sporadic low fevers, and her abdomen area became hard. After her parents took her to ER at Phoenix Children's, the doctors discovered a tumor. Carson went into surgery the next morning, and the doctors removed a large tumor and her ovary. Carson was diagnosed with Stage II ovarian cancer.

Carson was so strong during her surgery to remove her large tumor. Carson had a very large incision where the tumor was removed, and she battled multiple days of an epidural to help with the pain. Carson's tumor was 5" x 7", and encompassed a large percentage of her abdomen area. A few weeks after this difficult surgery, she had surgery again for port placement, and became very sick after the surgery. That same evening, as she went through her first round of chemo, she had an allergic reaction to one of the chemotherapies.

Carson remained a warrior through 4 hospital stays totaling weeks of chemotherapy through the end of January. In February, Carson received a clear CT scan, xray and labs, and was able to celebrate being NED (No Evidence of Disease)!

She returned to school the very next week after her port removal surgery and even participated in field day that same week! Carson was thrilled to go back to school after missing four months of being in second grade.

Carson was so grateful for the treatment and care she received at PCH, and decided to hold a donation drive to give Brave Gowns to PCH. Through the community's support, she was able to get enough donations to give one gown to every inpatient child at PCH! Carson and her sisters delivered over 430 Brave Gowns to PCH, along with over 60 boxes of Girl Scout cookies to the oncology department at PCH.

Carson continues to give back to the community and nonprofits that have helped to educate her family about childhood cancer. She is currently raising funds for ACCORG through their annual Go Gold The Run, which culminates in September (Childhood Cancer Awareness Month).

The financial toll of Carson's diagnosis has been devastating for her family. While they received tremendous help from the community, the medical bills are continuing to pile up, and the family would be grateful for any and all support. The reality of Carson's diagnosis is that it will include a lifetime of oncology care, including numerous CT scans, xrays, bloodwork, and psychology visits. Carson's two sisters and parents have also received counseling to work through the trauma and impact of her diagnosis. The family is so grateful for the care they will continue to receive at PCH until Carson is an adult, but the financial toll has been astounding.



Learn about kids who have had a little dream come true.